Detail enhancement
Intelligent local contrast adjustment
Photo Ninja's exceptional Detail Enhancement filter intelligently boosts or smooths detail in an image. This world-class technology can "pop" fine- and medium-scale detail in an image and add drama with natural-looking results and without distracting halos. Depending on the subject and the amount of enhancement, the effect can be varied from subtle to surreal, offering a considerable range of artistic control.
When set to negative amounts, the detail enhancement filter produces a mild smoothing effect without blurring. This is particularly useful for smoothing skin without creating an unnatural plastic look.
Example 1
Mt. Moran, Grand Teton National Park. Note the improved definition of the mountain and foliage.

Example 2
Abandoned silver mine in the Yukon territory.

Example 3
Skin smoothing example, using negative detail enhancement. Note that the smoothing is accomplished without blurring. Eyeleashes, lips, and hair remain sharp despite the smoothing.

Example 4
Enhancement reveals detail that is barely visible in the original image.

Example 5
Sunrise on the Alaska inside passage. The lighting in this scene was already dramatic, but a boost of detail adds definition to the clouds and increases the impact of the image.

Example 6
Here, detail enhancement resulted in increased apparent sharpness and makes the image look more crisp.