What photographers are saying about Photo Ninja
“The image quality this program produces absolutely destroys any other raw converter I've tried in terms of colour reproduction, exposure controls, and noise reduction. ”
Mark van Dam Wedding photographer, Wasaga Beach, Ontario. www.imagesbyvandam.com
“I can't say enough good things about the results I'm getting with Photo Ninja. It offers amazing control of color, tone, detail, sharpening, and it offers all the magic of Noise Ninja.”
Gregory Georges, best-selling author and fine art photographer. Read the full case study here.
“Photo Ninja is pretty breathtaking. With about 500 photos to process for possible use in my upcoming book, I wasn't looking forward to the RAW conversion process, much less learning a new RAW developer. In fact, Photo Ninja had a short learning curve and sped things up considerably. It's amazing how dead-on it gets the images, and adjustments are simple and easy to do. The portrait mode maintains the skin tones wonderfully.”
Howard Zehr Documentary photographer and professor of restorative justice. Read the full case study here.
“You've done an outstanding job! The image quality I'm getting from Photo Ninja is second to none. Again congrats on some very innovative algorithms and unique functionality.”
Joe Angert Retired photography professor, St. Louis, MO.
“I think you guys have hit it out of the park, looks like the best RAW converter by a long way today.”
Robert Harshman Architecture/commercial photographer, Chicago, IL.
(See his impressive
360-degree panorama processed
with Photo Ninja —
made from 50 images shot with Nikon D800E & 16mm fisheye, stitched and finalized with third-party tools.)
“I have used the programme every day since I downloaded it as I am preparing images for a book on our travels in Vietnam. It almost makes HDR redundant! My Nikon D3 images now look clean, crisp and realistic. The reduction in the amount of processing time is also amazing.”
Owen Dunne Photography enthusiast, Picton, New Zealand.
“I'm using Photo Ninja for all my conversions now, there's no going back to the other raw converters. It gives a sense of depth, 'touchability' if you will, that the other converters don't. The downside is, now I'm going through all my older images and redoing them.”
Bill Stormont Stock photographer, Eugene, OR. www.billstormont.com
“The depth, the color, clarity, and lack of noise is startling. One image I shot in NY with an APS sensor camera I was able to blow up to 6 feet long without any visual noise or grain. The picture is being solicited now by an art gallery. It's that good. And I can honestly say it was Photo Ninja that made the difference. If you value your work, and especially value your time, this is the best money you'll ever spend, outside of your camera.”
Steve Dworman Television/Film Director, Beverly Hills, CA
“I have been using Photo Ninja for a while now and I must confess that the image quality is amazing. Better than any other raw converter I have ever used. The images get this ‘realistic’ look. I cannot describe it better than that.”
Tomas Hellström Photography enthusiast, Sweden
“Photo Ninja makes small format camera images look like medium format work -- simply fantastic!”
Pete Myers Fine art photographer, Santa Fe, NM. www.petemyers.com
“Your new 'Smart Exposure' really, really nails what I am shooting in the high contrast area. Your colors are vibrant as well.”
Greg Mintel Sports photographer, Raleigh, NC. Greg Mintel Sports Photography website
“Photo Ninja makes my images look real. The image processing technology is superb, and the controls are easy to adjust.”
Antonio Dias Photography enthusiast and image processing technologist, San Francisco, CA