Color Enhancement
Obtain pleasing color with builtin "looks" and selective adjustments
Photo Ninja offers simple yet effective tools for enhancing color. Builtin color “styles” yield pleasing default treatments of skin, foliage, sky, water, and earth hues. The default "Portrait" color style has been carefully designed to yield vivid overall color while avoiding oversaturation of skin tones.
Adjustments are calculated in a perceptual color space for more natural results. Hue-specific color controls allow targeting of specific color ranges with hue, saturation, and lightness adjustments, so you can easily override the base color styles or create new ones. A unique Hue Affinity feature can improve consistency of "memory colors" in the presence of mild color deviations.
Example 1
Photo courtesy of Mark van Dam
Portrait at Georgian Bay, Ontario. Left: With neutral color rendering. Right: After enhancement with Photo Ninja's builtin Portrait Vivid color style. The image is more vibrant, while the skin tones appear healthy but not oversaturated.

Example 2
Grand Teton National Park, shot with Canon D30. Image enhanced with Scenic color style. Note that the vivid colors haven't been created from nothing; they were already present in the original image but more muted.

Example 3
Amaryllis flower shot with Canon 5D Mark II. Left: Image after white balancing and color correction. Right: Selective color enhancement boosted saturation of the yellows and deepened the reds.

Example 4
Leaves of a Japanese Maple, shot with a Canon 5D Mark II. The original "latent" color of the scene has been enhanced to produce a vivid result.

Example 5
Skyfish in the Bahamas, film scan. Here, color enhancement was used to remove a green color cast and deepen the sky.

Example 7
White Pass, Yukon, shot with Canon 10D. Here, color enhancement not only makes the image more vivid, but it helps to counteract the glare on the roofs of the train cars.